The Golden Girls

  • Abbie

    After sheltering Abbie as a puppy, Laura welcomed her into the family. She is a fun-loving and feisty dog who loves to wrestle with her dad (and her dad does not always win).

    Abbie is part of the team at Schiller Dental as an emotional support dog that helps patients relax during their dental visits.

    She enjoys the park, car rides, and cuddling. Abbie has an intense hatred towards squirrels.

  • Bella

    Ty named Belleau Woods (Bella) after the historic WWI battle in France. Fighting in which Germans gave Marines their beloved nickname, "Teufel Hunden," which translates to the "Hounds from Hell" or the "Devil Dogs."

    Although Bella is no saint, her loving and protective nature makes her anything but a Devil.

    After an eight-year life with her previous family and their four children, the family decided to relocate Bella to a shelter. A timid and quirky dog, the transition would have been very challenging for the older girl.

    A family member shared Bella's hardship with Ty, and he asked to schedule a dog date with her and Abbie. After one meeting, Bella was part of the family.

    Bella enjoys being pampered, traveling, and getting into mischief. She dislikes fireworks and thunderstorms.

  • The Golden Girls

    The "Golden Girls" relationship has evolved. After a shaky start, the girls improved to frenemies and eventually into the loving sisters they are today. Abbie established herself as the alpha and Bella as the beta in a top-notch security team, partnering as outstanding watchdogs and keeping the family safe.

    Bella and Abbie enjoy each other's company and dislike it when one appears to receive more love than the other.